41st IPF National AV Championship

Poster for IPF AV Championships 2024

The 41st IPF National AV Championship held live in conjunction with the 9th Open International AV Competition will take place on the weekend 19th/20th October 2024. The event will take place at Áras Chrónáin, Clondalkin Dublin 22.

There will be IPF trophies/medals/awards for the overall winner and placed entries. Trophies will also be awarded as appropriate in the National Championship for best photography, sound, script, humorous sequence and club sequence. Additionally there will be an audience vote award. The National Championship will have a non-advanced and advanced category, and include an award for the best First Time Entrant.

The closing date for both competitions is 20th September 2024.

We would encourage as many camera club members as possible to enter the competition and would like to draw your attention particularly to the non-advanced category and ask people who have not tried AV before, or those who have not entered recently, to consider entering. If you have been on a holiday, event or have some special interest, the material could be already there! All that is needed is a sound track, which might be just music in the first instance. While the limit is 12 minutes, around 3 to 5 minutes could be more appropriate for an initial sequence. The East Leinster AV Group meets monthly in Lucan Library Co. Dublin where help and guidance can be given. As is generally the case these days in the AV community we really do need your support!

For more information, please contact Pat Collins who is the Hon Secretary of the IPF AV Group Committee at ipfavgroup@gmail.com.

2 thoughts on “41st IPF National AV Championship

  1. The 41st IPF National AV Championship, with the 9th Open International AV Competition
    I would like to enter the above mentioned competition, have you more information or me

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