Congratulations Tony Doohan – new lifetime Club member

At the opening of our Annual Exhibition 2023, Tony Doohan was awarded honorary lifetime membership for his contribution to the club. Tony was responsible for organising the first meeting of interested photographers in Celbridge which led to the official formation of CCC in January 1985. […]

Photos from the Annual Exhibition 2023 Opening Night

A selection of photographs from the Annual Exhibition 2023 opening night, which was held on Friday June 2nd 2023 at Castletown House, Celbridge. Thank you to Bridie Maughan for the photos and the accompanying details.

Cheque presentation to NCBI

Over the past few years Celbridge Camera Club has been producing a calendar and has been donating approximately 50% of the sales proceeds to NCBI. Sales of the 2023 calendar realised €1440 for NCBI and the phots show club treasurer, Aida Best Tolentino, presenting the […]

Celbridge – A Photographic Record 2021

Celbridge Camera Club (CCC) launched its new book – Celbridge – A Photographic Record on Friday 19 November 2021.   The high-quality book captures images from all around Celbridge and includes, drone shots, heritage areas, landmark buildings, wildlife, nature and the people of Celbridge at work, […]

How Frank got started in Astronomy

Very nice two page spread in the latest edition of Astronomy Ireland featuring some amazing astronomy photos from our current chairperson Frank Butler.  

Celbridge Camera Club among “Intel Pride of Place” winners for 2021

The Pride of Place competition run by Intel invites community organisations located in Leixlip, Celbridge and Maynooth, to share their project ideas to help improve their organisations whilst also benefiting the local community. This year Celbridge Camera Club has been chosen among the winners and […]

Cheque Presentation to NCBI

Celbridge Camera Club (CCC) brought out a calendar for 2021 with 50% of the nett proceeds going to The National Council of the Blind of Ireland (NCBI). The calendar was sponsored by local businesses and sold in shops in Celbridge and surrounding towns. Attached is […]

Well done Michael Linehan

Congratulations to club member Michael Linehan who received a FIAP Honourable Mention for his AV sequence “My Heron Obsession” in the Adelaide AV Fest 2021 which was judged between May 22nd and May 24th in Adelaide, Australia. Michael’s sequence “A Grand Canal” also won the […]

Well done Turlough O’Reilly AIPF

Congratulations to club member Turlough O’Reilly who was awarded his Associateship distinction by the Irish Photographic Federation at their online distinction assessments yesterday (Saturday 27th March, 2021). Very well deserved Turlough!

Success for AV members at NIPA All Ireland AV Championship 2021

The Northern Ireland Photographic Association All Ireland Audio Visual Festival & Championship 2021 took place on line on Saturday 20th February 2021, and was judged by Howard Bagshaw ARPS MPAGB. Celbridge Camera Club was well represented once again with a number of entries from members, […]