Well done Christine Taylor!

Well done to Christine Taylor who took the honours at the recent IPF Nature Group inter-regional competition. Her winning image of a mountain hare was taken in Scotland in Feb 2020. A fabulous image, I am sure you’ll agree. For anyone who is looking for […]

Calendar 2021 – call for images

We are inviting all members to submit up to 4 colour images, one per season, taken in Ireland for the Celbridge Camera Club 2021 Calendar. The Calendar size is 12.5” x 9” so we are looking for dimensions landscape 3750 wide x 2700 high pixels, […]

FIAP Gold for Tom Ormond at the FIAP Nature Biennial 2020

Congratulations to club member Tom Ormond who picked up the Gold Medal for the best print in the 20th FIAP Nature Biennial 2020. You can see Tom’s image and the other winning images on the FIAP website. Ireland was placed 6th overall, placing 6th in […]

Congratulations to Frank Butler

Congratulations to Frank Butler who is the Club Person of the Year for 2019/2020. As well as Frank’s contribution as club treasurer, Frank went above and beyond organizing the club calendar for 2020, raising money for the club and for NCBI.

Error in the round 6 results

There was an error in the round 6 results for Novice Themed images. That has now been corrected and the file has been updated. Thanks to Marty Ryan for pointing it out. The list of prize winners for 2019/2020 has also been updated. If anyone […]

Important notice regarding Exhibition 2020

At our last committee meeting, the committee decided that, given the current circumstances, the exhibition 2020 would go ahead as a Digital Only exhibition with the images displayed in a gallery on the club website. The hand in night is still Monday April 27th. Please […]